The Acolytes of Beltane: Re-examining the Sabbat Through the Tarot

Beltane is usually the hardest of all the sabbats for me to find personally relevant. I've written about it before, and every year it's still a bit of a struggle. However, this year I took a new approach and examined Beltane through the lens of Tarot. It works for almost everything else, right? The most obvious place within the Tarot to start examining Beltane is the Lovers card, but as you'll see my examination rapidly expanded out from there.

It’s the Most Uncomfortable Time of the Year*

Out of all the holidays, Beltane is by far the weirdest for me personally. Over the last few years I have developed my own way of conceptualizing it that works for me, and if I’m going solo or running a group ritual with that in mind it’s fine. However, this year I’m attending a group … Continue reading It’s the Most Uncomfortable Time of the Year*