Crowned in Prayer: Hair Care as Spiritual Practice

Hair has had a special significance in spiritual practice for millennia. Whether we consider it our crowning glory, a symbol of self, or the part of our bodies closest to the Divine, tending our hair as a spiritual practice has a long and varied history. We polytheists can use that foundation to support our own spiritual work. 

The Magic of Tidying Up: Connecting With and Honoring House Spirits

"Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" is on Netflix right now and we're at the time of year when a bunch of folks commit to reorganizing their homes. Put those together and folks are once again talking about Kondo's 2014 best-selling book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up". 

Most Westerners think of this book as just another guide to organizing the home. However, this book is one of the most prized on my spirituality shelf.

I thought it might be helpful to explain why.

Striking the Spark – Constructing the Floating Wick Oil Lamp

This is the third in a four-part series. Please read part one and part two before proceeding. The floating wick oil lamp can be even easier than the standing wick lamp, depending on how it's approached. And either way there are fewer steps! Materials The container for the floating wick lamp tends to be easier … Continue reading Striking the Spark – Constructing the Floating Wick Oil Lamp