The Acolytes of Beltane: Re-examining the Sabbat Through the Tarot

Beltane is usually the hardest of all the sabbats for me to find personally relevant. I've written about it before, and every year it's still a bit of a struggle. However, this year I took a new approach and examined Beltane through the lens of Tarot. It works for almost everything else, right? The most obvious place within the Tarot to start examining Beltane is the Lovers card, but as you'll see my examination rapidly expanded out from there.

Head Covering and Mental Health

My covering is still an act of piety, one that brings me joy and reverence. It’s still a symbol of modesty, too, and it’s changed my entire relationship to myself and the world. It’s still very much a feminist statement for me, and since November it’s become a political statement too. Add in the mental health benefits and covering is a part of my life that is here to stay.

Hierarchies and Devotions

When people first start establishing a devotional practice they often focus on actions they can take, such as extending hospitality, planning major holidays and festivals, and building altars and shrines. How we think doesn't usually rate a second glance until much later. Here's the thing, though. The hierarchies we carry around in our heads can completely derail our … Continue reading Hierarchies and Devotions

On Apples and Trees: Original Sin and Inherited Debt

I come from a very fundamentalist family. My aunt and I in particular discuss religion fairly often when we’re together. As a Christian she tries to convert me, and as a Polytheist I reject those attempts, but there is still plenty of discussion outside of that. During our last conversation we talked about the nature … Continue reading On Apples and Trees: Original Sin and Inherited Debt

Concepts of Modern Polytheism – Piety

Piety is an incredibly contentious idea. It’s an important topic, and I’m glad people are discussing it, but sometimes the discussions can seem frustratingly theoretical. For those new to the concept, or new to considering how piety might manifest in day-to-day life, I thought I’d wade into these turbulent waters and toss my two cents … Continue reading Concepts of Modern Polytheism – Piety

Concepts of Modern Polytheism – Post Round Up

The "Concepts of Modern Polytheism" series is dedicated to making complex ideas more accessible to those unfamiliar with them. While the series is new, breaking down complexity is something I've focused on for awhile now. That being so, I thought it might be helpful to provide links to previous posts that do that too. If … Continue reading Concepts of Modern Polytheism – Post Round Up