The Triple Goddess of Sustainability

When we talk about sustainability, the trifecta of actions we can take to help it along consists of "Reduce", "Reuse", and "Recycle". I don't really use the Triple Goddess concept in my personal practice, but this fit too perfectly into that framework to pass up! And honestly, the more I look at this the more I think I might have finally found a trio that works for me! So. Here is my fun little exploration of the Triple Goddess as seen through the lens of environmental sustainability.

Libertas – Freedom in Service

For every blessing there's a burden, and devotional relationships are no exception. The latest over at Gangleri's Grove talks about some of the highs and lows in a devotional life, and I personally found that it resonated quite a bit. Check it out! I was reading a novel a few days ago and came across … Continue reading Libertas – Freedom in Service

A Diviner’s Code of Ethics

A well-crafted diviner's code of ethics can set the tone for the entire diviner/client relationship. It also protects both parties as they move forward with a session. The diviner shares their approach, the potential client asks whatever clarifications are needed to feel comfortable with that approach, and they agree to abide by it when they schedule an appointment. Everyone wins.