Crowned in Prayer: Hair Care as Spiritual Practice

Hair has had a special significance in spiritual practice for millennia. Whether we consider it our crowning glory, a symbol of self, or the part of our bodies closest to the Divine, tending our hair as a spiritual practice has a long and varied history. We polytheists can use that foundation to support our own spiritual work. 

The Magic of Tidying Up: Connecting With and Honoring House Spirits

"Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" is on Netflix right now and we're at the time of year when a bunch of folks commit to reorganizing their homes. Put those together and folks are once again talking about Kondo's 2014 best-selling book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up". 

Most Westerners think of this book as just another guide to organizing the home. However, this book is one of the most prized on my spirituality shelf.

I thought it might be helpful to explain why.

Survivor? Or Pioneer?

My deepening study of Proto-Indo-European religion is resonating through my life in some interesting ways. I'm constantly finding new bits of info or perspectives that challenge what I thought I knew.

It was through that studies that I was suddenly able to see a perspective so ingrained in modern Paganism/polytheism that I didn't even know it was there until I had an alternative for comparison.

It boils down to this: When we practice our faiths, do we see ourselves as Survivors? Or Pioneers?

Prayer Ritual Basics

Since posting about my upcoming Prayer Ritual I've gotten several requests for a how-to guide. I'll be posting what I use, but I thought it would be better to start out with an explanation from Stevie Miller over at Feathers in Amber who inspired me to do this. She graciously provided the below explanation and photos of her techniques. One of the things I most like about her practice is that she's not afraid to experiment with different approaches, so you've quite a few options to choose from! I'll be following with my approach in the next few days.

Eclipse/New Moon Prayer Ritual

This is an open call for prayers to be ritually made on your behalf on August 21st. If you would like to participate, please let me know your name and what you're praying for so I can add you to the list. You can comment here, tag me on Facebook, PM me, email me, whatever makes you comfy. And feel free to share! I'm taking the whole day off to make this happen, so let's get it rolling! 

Ladies of the Fourth Branch: Goewin

I serve Arianrhod. It's impossible to do that without also studying the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogion. She's not alone in that story, though. There are two other women in there too, each contributing Her own piece to the whole. And together They've become a triad on my altar. But who are They? Let's start at the beginning and find out.

Hierarchies and Devotions

When people first start establishing a devotional practice they often focus on actions they can take, such as extending hospitality, planning major holidays and festivals, and building altars and shrines. How we think doesn't usually rate a second glance until much later. Here's the thing, though. The hierarchies we carry around in our heads can completely derail our … Continue reading Hierarchies and Devotions