Head Covering and Mental Health

My covering is still an act of piety, one that brings me joy and reverence. It’s still a symbol of modesty, too, and it’s changed my entire relationship to myself and the world. It’s still very much a feminist statement for me, and since November it’s become a political statement too. Add in the mental health benefits and covering is a part of my life that is here to stay.

World Hijab Day and the Rebirth of Spring

This past weekend was Imbolc/Candlemas/Exploration, so if you celebrated any of those I wish you the happiest of seasons! But lots of people have been posting specifically about that. I wanted to talk about something else celebrated over the weekend: World Hijab Day. World Hijab Day is fairly new, and the idea is simple. Women … Continue reading World Hijab Day and the Rebirth of Spring

Piety, Modesty, and Covering My Hair – A Perspective

In addition to all of its energetic connotations, Origination (Dec. 12) is the day devoted specifically to my Lady. Traditionally it’s when She officially tells me the changes She wants me to make in my life over the coming year. Some changes have been permanent and some temporary, but all of them have profoundly changed … Continue reading Piety, Modesty, and Covering My Hair – A Perspective